(Psst... don't forget to enter our other giveaways from B.Inspired Vintage & Sushipot!)
Today's interview is from super sweet Bobbi, of Bobbityboo. I found her shop when I fell in love with her colorful little apron skirts and was over the top when I entered and saw adorable little man ties, too! Let's hear what she has to say...

Tell us a bit about yourself, Bobbi.
I live at the base of the beautiful Rocky Mountains with my sweet hubby of 25 years and 4 crazy kids (three teenagers, AAAAAH, and one little 8 year old caboose). I love to create, no....I need to create. Taking a little bit of "nothing" and turning it into "something" is total therapy for me, my anti depressant if you will! Give me a Diet Coke, a nice fresh piece of fabric and a couple of uninterrupted hours and I am in Heaven.
What 5 words would you use to describe yourself?
Tell us a bit about your Etsy shop, Bobbityboo.
Bobbityboo was totally the product of a midlife crisis. My last child had just started 1st grade and I found myself at home....alone! You can only clean the house for so many hours a day, so out came the sewing machine. I really missed sewing for my girls (they were

It's important to me that my clothing is affordable. When our children were young we were starving college students, money was tight and I have never forgotten how hard that was. It is important to me to create adorable, stylish clothing that is also affordable. I have been told that my prices are too low, but I honestly can't feel good about charging an arm and a leg for something so simple.
You see OOAK a lot in my listings (that's "one of a kind"). The reason being that I am a little A.D.D.ish when it comes to sewing. I get tired really quickly of working with the same fabric. I usually only buy about 2 yards worth of a fabric to make skirts out of. Once it's gone I move onto another pattern. I also use a lot of scraps in my pieces, which makes duplication kind of tricky.
What 5 words would you use to describe your shop?
Give your 5 favorite websites.
Tatertots and Jello
One Pretty Thing
Pretty Little Things
Give your 5 favorite Etsy shops.
pretty little me
Fab Addiction
Giggles & Grins
Paper & String
What advice would you give other Etsy sellers?
Renew, renew, renew. If you want your things to be seen you have to make sure that they are towards the top of that list of "thousands" in your category. I usually renew something three times a day, morning, noon and night. That way my shop is always in the top several pages in my category. Don't let the .20 cent charge bother you, you have to spend money to make money. BLOG... if you don't have a blog, create one. Your blog is basically the front door to your etsy shop. Don't be afraid to approach other bloggers to host giveaways for you or write up a feature about your shop. If your stuff is great, they will jump at the chance.
Anything else you would like to share?
Although I love selling and creating my little ditties for children, I equally love getting to know others in the bloggy world. I would love you to come play at my blog, and link me to your blogs as well....we can soak up so much creativity from each other if we share!
Bobbi was so kind to offer...
**ONE ITEM OF CHOICE from Bobbityboo!!!**
Thanks so much, Bobbi!
Bobbi was so kind to offer...
**ONE ITEM OF CHOICE from Bobbityboo!!!**
Thanks so much, Bobbi!

Visit Bobbityboo and leave a comment on this post mentioning your favorite item.
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The winner will be chosen via Random.org on Tuesday, February 9th at 9PM EST. The winner will be emailed within 24 hours. Please make sure your email is in your profile or in the comment. GOOD LUCK!
LOVE: Sister Dress
rss subscriber
LOVE the Paisley Rose Drawstring Skirt. Sooooo cute!
My favorite is the Button Down Shirt Skirt!
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
I love the brother tie and sister dress. That is the cutest thing EVERRRRR!
the.blue.turtle at hotmail dot com
Orange and Lime Apron Skirt -- love this!
bethnaf at hotmail dot com
I love the sister dress!
The Snowbird Apron skirt is adorable! :) I love the apron skirt idea it's sweet.
juxta.umino {at} gmail {dot} com
I follow your blog.
juxta.umino {at} gmail {dot} com
I subscribe to you in RSS.
juxta.umino {at} gmail {dot} com
My favorite item is the Orange and Lime Apron Skirt
naturemanipulated AT hotmail DOT com
My favorite item is the Snowbird Apron.
taliastravelblog (at) gmail
my favourite
Paisley Rose Drawstring Skirt
sherrygo at hotmail dot com
sherrygo at hotmail dot com
I love the Hip Little Newborn Gown in the green pattern!
urchiken at gmail dot com
i like the little guy tie in pink, purple and green stripes
I would pick the Paisley Rose Drawstring Skirt in sz. 8 for my daughter. She could totally rock this look!
rennieangie at gmail dot com
LOVE this skirt!
logan4301 @ yahoo.com
Following your blog!
logan4301 @ yahoo.com
I love the polka dot ruffle skirt
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I love 2 items together - the brother tie and sister dress!
I follow in google friends.
Love that blue polkadot skirt...my granddaughter would love to twirl in that! freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net
Love the paisley rose drawstring skirt.
I love the Little Chickies Hoedown Skirt.
facebook fan
My favorite item is the Sister Dress
I'm a Follower of EtsyInterviews.
I subscribe to EtsyInterviews via RSS.
I'm a fan of B.Inspired Vintage on Facebook (lena naef).
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=32735894 happy and bright ruffle skirt-so darling
follow your blog jelaws5
FB fan of Be Inspired-Julie A Scott Laws
I love the 'pocket full of sunshine apron skirt'. beautiful! thanks for the chance to win. dandelionfirebird{at}hotmail{dot}com
I follow you on twitter! dandelionfirebird{at}hotmail{dot}com
I'm a facebook fan! dandelionfirebird{at}hotmail{dot}com
I subscribe via RSS. dandelionfirebird{at}hotmail{dot}com
I follow you on blogger. dandelionfirebird{at}hotmail{dot}com
I love the Polka Dot Ruffle Skirt. amypugmire@live.com
I follow u. amypugmire@live.com
tweeted. amypugmire@live.com
I follow binspired mama on twitter. 1amypugmire. amypugmire@live.com
fb fan of binspired. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
I adore the Sister Dress
nor_lou hotmail.com
Got to love the Snowbird apron dress, but I have a feeling the Happy and Bright dress matches my niece more xD
L-O-V-E the Brother Tie;}
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I love the polka dot ruffle skirt!
I'm a public follower of etsy interviews!
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I love Bobbi's stuff and am lucky to live close to her.
I like: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=39587952
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/FataAzzurra/status/8766611567
i love the Reserved Listing for Weissegirls! so cute!!! choose me -teegilvear
i love love love the
"Sister Dress"
I love the little guy ties.
I like the Snowbird Apron Skirt
Little Chickies Howdown skirt is one of my favorites. Thanks! alusco@centurytel.net
i like the Pocket Full of Sunshine Apron Skirt
bvrlylava at gmail dot com
i'm a new follower (Beverly/bibay)
bvrlylava at gmail dot com
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bvrlylava at gmail dot com
bvrlylava at gmail dot com
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bvrlylava at gmail dot com
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bvrlylava at gmail dot com
blog post:
bvrlylava at gmail dot com
My favorite item is among her sold items, the Olive Rose Apron skirt.
I subscribe as ladyvdzine[at]yahoo[dot]com
I follow as Lady V dZine via google
The colors of this dress is so cheery so it's my fave: Sister Dress.
I love the Happy and Bright Ruffle Skirt
Subscribed in bloglines
Twitter ~ momof2dancers
love the bluepolkadot skirt jacksond@nhr3.net
My fave is the cool Rocker Boy - Little Guy Necktie! tylerpants(at)gmail.com
I'm a Bloglines feed subscriber. tylerpants(at)gmail.com
I would love to have the Button Down Shirt Skirt
I love the cute & colorful Polka Dot Ruffle Skirt!
I'm a feed subscriber
Reserved Listing for Weissegirls is my favorite
I'm a follower
also a facebook fan
twitter follower too
Pocket full of sunshine is definitely my pick!
I love the My Lucky Green Skirt !
Can you make adult sizes too? LOL. My neice doesnt need it that bad. I would definitely sport this for St. Patrick's Day - too cute !!! And who doesn't love a twirly skirt?!
Now following your blog !!
Thanks !
Now following Krissy on Twitter (lynsisfishbowl) !!
Thanks !
Now a fan of B.Inspired Vintage on Facebook!
(lynsi's fishbowl)
I love the Little Chickies Hoedown Skirt!
I follow your blog!!! :)
I love the Polka Dot Ruffle Skirt! Thanks for the chance to win.
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
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